Repetitive Motion Injuries

Chiropractors can help with repetitive motion injuries such as tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome by identifying the injury, and by correcting the body mechanics, posture and muscle imbalances occurring during the activity.

What type of injuries do you consider repetitive motion injuries?

Dr. Scott Gardner: The types of injuries considered repetitive motion are carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, tendonitis, tennis elbow, ganglionic cyst, and trigger finger. The most common is what we call technology neck or forward head posture.

What causes repetitive motion injuries?

Dr. Scott Gardner: Repetitive motion injuries are caused by too many uninterrupted repetitions of an activity or motion such as twisting the arm or wrist, overexertion, muscle fatigue, and incorrect posture.

Do repetitive motion injuries become chronic issues for life, or can they be corrected?

Dr. Scott Gardner: They don’t need to be chronic issues for life. In most cases, they can be corrected with chiropractic care.

In what ways can chiropractors help people with repetitive motion injuries?

Dr. Scott Gardner: Chiropractors can help with repetitive motion injuries by first, identifying the injury. Secondly, teaching exercises or stretches to help with muscular imbalances. Third, improving posture or proper mechanics of the activity and correcting, again posture, because that really is one of the main contributing factors.

What are some ongoing exercises, stretches and therapies people should do to prevent repetitive motion injuries?

Dr. Scott Gardner: It really depends on the specific injury. We would need to evaluate the person and create the proper recipe consisting of stretches, exercises, proper ergonomics, and chiropractic care.

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