Chiropractic Adjustments Restore Healthy Body Function

Vertebral subluxation is at the root of all, or nearly all, conditions that people suffer from every day. As chiropractors, we treat only one condition, and that is vertebral subluxation. Vertebral subluxation can cause headaches, allergies, neck pain, shoulder pain,…
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Chiropractors Can Treat Joint Dysfunction

Chiropractic care can help someone experiencing joint dysfunction by restoring normal mobility and normal health of that joint. The main causes of joint dysfunction are overuse or repetitive use or repetitive motion syndrome. Typical symptoms would include some type of…
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Joint Dysfunction

Chiropractors treat joint pain and joint dysfunction by adjusting the joints to release pressure off the nerves and by creating specific exercise and stretching programs to help restore full range of motion in the joints. What are the most common…
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Stop Spinal Degeneration with Chiropractic Care

The most important step is stopping spinal degeneration from progressing. Then we want to improve the alignment of the spine so that we can take the pressure off of the supporting structures. You can think of spinal degeneration like a…
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Spinal Degeneration

Spinal degeneration, also knows as degenerative disc disease is the wearing away of the disc in the spine causing pain and sometimes numbness and tingling in the extremities. Chiropractors can detect spinal degeneration through exams and X-rays and treat it…
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Debunk The Myths

A common myth about chiropractic is ‘Once you start going to a chiropractor, then you have to go forever.’ This does not hold true.  Visiting a chiropractor for routine maintenance is a smart choice for preventive care. It makes people…
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