The top three causes of a herniated disc are:
1. Inactivity Throughout the Aging Process
Gradual aging can cause discs to become less flexible and prone to tearing or rupturing even with a minor strain or a twist.
2. Trauma
Trauma is the most common cause of herniated discs.
3. Poor Posture or Repetitive Use Syndrome
This can include sitting at a workstation for six, seven, or eight hours a day, year after year.
Herniated discs usually heal within two to twelve weeks however, the healing time can be accelerated with chiropractic care. More importantly, practicing regular maintenance chiropractic care can help to prevent future problems.
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The team at Gardner Family Chiropractic can be reached at (973) 614-9256 and are located at 799 Clifton Ave, Clifton, NJ 07013.
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